"Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words."
- Proverbs 23:9
This is the answer to my previous issue. Among the many other helpful advice I've been given from good friends. But I walked into work this morning, and that was my daily verse. The most I can do is just pray that God will work through their hard hearts, and they're realize that using His Word to try and hurt other people is not what its about. God does not want to make us feel guilty for things, He wants to make us aware of our wrongs, but He also wants us to repent and learn and grow from those actions.
If you had a child, and they did something wrong, because I am sure there is no such thing as a kid who didn't mess up, you would not scream at them and tear them down, only to leave them hurting and in pain, only knowing something they did was not right, and not knowing what they are to do in the future? Of course not. You would reprimand them, explain why they were wrong, and work with them to not make the same error again. That is what a Christian would be able to do with the love that Jesus has given them to show to others. I listened to something this weekend that spoke of the fact that we have the ability to show others grace. But not our own grace, rather, that Jesus uses us as conductors of His grace onto other people. It was pretty cool to hear that as a way Christ uses us individually, in such a way, that we could bring others to Him, and help them along their path of life.
Anyway, I'd like to say that older folks should never expect perfection from a child, but I have to say that about anyone. No one can expect perfection from another human being. We are inherently sinful in nature, so we will always mess up. On either end, whether having been hurt or doing the hurt, the action that we take after realization and conviction is what determines the direction of our hearts. If you take God's words, and use them for your own wrong judgment of those around you, you have become a false preacher. Just knowing what the Bible says does not make you Christian. It is the endless pursuit of Jesus, and the constant struggle to live like Him, and to show love to everyone around you. To use His words to show others the path to Him, and to encourage fellow Christians.
I am so grateful for the constant encouragement I receive from certain people. I'm sure they have no idea how important their few words are in my life, just as I know my own words can become meaningful to others.
- Proverbs 12:6
Its mentioned many times in the Bible to guard your mouth, and be aware of the words that you say. Imagine being a false preacher, using God's own words to mislead, hurt, and tear down others.....and at the time of judgment, standing in front of Jesus himself and being questioned in those regards? Scary, I tell you. Scary. Before we take verses to try and uphold our own opinions, we need to make sure to meditate on them to be sure that we understand their meaning, and to also be sure not use them as knives into others hearts. I'm not directing that at anyone, but I know I need to re-read that myself and become more aware.