Saturday, March 28, 2009


Time to start things up again. Working on getting everything back on track. From school (finishing my accounting degree...I've turned in my app to CWU, hope to get accepted!), to church (finding a community group, finishing my membership), to work (not being lazy and getting shit done), to friends (listening better, understanding better, working on closeness), to myself (not getting down on myself so much, practicing what I believe, figuring out what I believe and what it means, accepting my issues and actually working to improve them).

Its going to be really hard, and I'll need to learn a lot of patience and humility, but I know it will be worth it. I want to be a more mature woman and not fear that idea. Luckily, I have some really amazing friends who love me, and will help me, and I know I can trust with my heart, so hopefully I can open myself up to them more.

Tonight, I will be spending an evening with two of those folks that I need to work on my relationship with, and seeing them again in a week, but separation from them is going to suck after that. That's another thing I have a hard time with, separation. It seems a lot of the folks I care about most, aren't always around. They travel doing their thing, and I shouldn't be so needy. Bah.

Wish me luck with these endeavors. Time to quit sitting around moping, and get out there and taking some actions.

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